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Is 'futurestalgia' the key to unlocking engagement with Gen Z?

Whilst the pandemic was characterised by nostalgia, looking to better times of the past as escapism, 2022 will be characterised by a more forward-thinking gaze, re-defining old models and relics to be more relevant to the values we hold today. It’s nostalgia, with a modern twist; it’s futurestalgia.

Whilst the pandemic was characterised by nostalgia, looking to better times of the past as escapism, 2022 will be characterised by a more forward-thinking gaze, re-defining old models and relics to be more relevant to the values we hold today. It’s nostalgia, with a modern twist; it’s futurestalgia.

Futurestalgia is echoing its way through the cultural landscape, being explored in all facets of brand marketing and culture. From Channel 4’s recent tie up with 1990s pop mag Smash Hits to promote the show Derry Girls to Ganni’s latest partnership with 00s wardrobe staple Juicy Couture, leveraging the futurestalgia trend gives brands an opportunity to evoke a heart-warming sense of nostalgia that consumers can get lost in, with the commercial benefit of activating an already interested fanbase.

In this article for PR Week, Crystal Malachias, global growth and development director at ITB Worldwide, explores how social media is influencing futurestalgia trends and shares advice on how brands can tap into the cultural values of Gen Zers today, giving antiquated ideals a modern twist.

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